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10 reasons to choose a ducted vacuum in your home


At AddaVac Ducted Vacuum Systems Adelaide we provide everything you need for easy, effective and affordable whole home cleaning.


Here are 10 great reasons why a ducted vacuum system is an investment worth making.



1. Healthier environment

Unlike portable vacuums that blow air out the back and re-circulate dust in your home. A ducted vacuum system removes a 100% of contacted dirt, dust, pollens and allergens from the living area and in to a storage drum (usually located in a garage) to help improve indoor air quality by up to 61%*


*EPA studies shows frequent vacuuming and deep cleaning improves indoor air quality by as much as 61%.


2. Noise reduction

Unlike the loud irritating noise produced by a portable vacuum cleaner a ducted system has the unit located away from living areas so you can vacuum without disturbing other activities in your home.


3. Convenience and ease of use.

No more carting a heavy vacuum up stairs or dragging the machine around furniture trying to get the hose to reach awkward spots. These are some of the areas you can easily vacuum with a ducted system.

  •   High up areas (like cornice or raked ceilings) with the dusting attachment you vacuum the dust straight out of the home.

  •  Staircases, no lugging the cleaner up the stairs trying to get the hose to reach.

  •  Al Fresco's and garages, with inlets located in the correct spots it is possible to vacuum these areas with ease.

  •  Cars, caravans, even boats! with a garage inlet you can reach all these areas with ease.

  •  Curtains and blinds, with the light weight hose you clean these with ease.

  •  Furniture, easily vacuum under beds, coaches etc.. with the unit located remotely there is no awkward machine stopping you getting under your furniture.


A ducted vacuum will speed up and simplify how you clean your home, giving you more time for the important things in life – you and your family.


4. More power

A ducted vacuum system has up to five times more power than most conventional portable vacuum cleaners. The heavy duty motors used in our range of ducted vacuums ensure hard to shift dust and dirt will be removed from your valuable carpets, soft furnishings and other floor coverings, both protecting them and prolonging their lives. 


​5. Low maintenance

Ducted vacuum systems do not need to be light and portable because you don’t have to drag them around. As such they are designed with a large storage drum, with a holding capacity many times that of a portable vacuum. A ducted vacuum’s filter bag or bucket requires changing only two or three times a year at most.


6. Cost effective

Did you know that most ducted vacuum systems cost roughly the same as a high quality portable vacuum cleaner?  The differences are that ducted vacuum systems last considerably longer (up to four times in fact), are more robust and as we said before low in maintenance... It all adds up to a more cost effective investment.


7. Easy to install

Contrary to popular belief, ducted vacuum systems are relatively easy to install. We offer a comprehensive design and installation service, however you can also DIY it. We have had many home owners successfully install a ducted vacuum systems themselves, making it even more cost effective.


9. Increase your home’s value

Ducted vacuum systems are a semi-permanent feature and an excellent selling point for your home. Why? They not only make cleaning a breeze, they are built to last. That combination will increase the value of your home – well in excess of the original purchase price!


10. Ducted vacuums are insured

As a ducted vacuum system is a semi-permanent structure in your house, it is covered under building insurance. Together with our affordable repairs and maintenance service, you have complete peace of mind in case something should go wrong.


And finally - You've had enough of the portable

  • Fed up with having to empty your portable every time you want to vacuum, is it always raining when you go to empty it?

  • Do you always seem to have low suction, the bags full, the filters clogged? Are you always cleaning your vacuum so you can clean the house?

  • Are you on your second or third vacuum in the past 10 years?

  • Can never reach the places you want to clean?


The answer to these questions is in AddaVac Ducted Vacuum systems Adelaide, contact us today, we would love to chat. The good news is there is a ducted vacuum system to suit any size home or office.

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